Use "rhododendron|rhododendrons" in a sentence

1. As of # November # plants of Rhododendron spp., other than Rhododendron simsii Planch, and Viburnum spp., other than fruit and seeds, originating in third countries, other than the United States of America, introduced into the Community may only be moved in the Community if they are accompanied by a plant passport prepared and issued in accordance with Commission Directive #/EEC

À compter du #er novembre #, les végétaux des espèces Rhododendron spp., à l

2. • ornamental experts: revisions or drafts of technical protocols were discussed for 13 botanical taxa (Anthurium, Dendrobium, Impatiens walleriana, Phalaenopsis, Osteospermum, Verbena, Clematis, Diascia, Begonia x hiemalis, Gypsophila, Sutera and Jamesbrittenia and Rhododendron simsii). c) further development of the centralised database for variety denominations In July 2005, the Office released a website to test proposals for variety denominations for similarity.

Actuellement, la base de données contient plus d’un demi-million de dénominations provenant de listes d’inscriptions nationales et de registres de protection des obtentions végétales de l’UE et des États membres de l’UPOV.